Wednesday, February 29, 2012

A Movie Review on “Luther”

A Movie Review on “Luther”

            The movie is all about the precursor of Reformation in the Church. Protestant reformation, as we may call it in general, showed how she arduously and chaotically fought for her existence and rise. The movie began by showing how Martin Luther started his vocation as a monk and ended it when was starting his new Christian community outside the Roman Catholic Church.  He and his friends separated from the Church because of the intolerable and rampant corruption and unjust teachings of the Church hierarchy on faith, especially on the belief on indulgences. Moreover, priests and bishops were doing immoral practices, like prostitution, which is in contrast to the teachings of Christ. 
            The movie, “Luther”, in general, is a wonderful and well-financed production. Its cinematography drew me to imagine that I was in their world, the historical ambiance of the 15th century Europe. With a little background of Church History, general events like that of in Worms, Augsburg and the historical circumstances of the Church hierarchy were faithfully depicted as facts, as well as the corruption and abuses of its members. I think the plot of the movie is well represented not based from biased affiliations but based from the kind of world that existed in Luther’s time. The historical circumstances had greatly influenced the thought of Luther to change the Church. However, as to the particular dialogues, I cannot but to be critical upon it and grant a benefit of the doubt.
            After watching the movie my sentiments and sympathy has been drawn towards Luther particularly his fight for his faith and theology. However, it’s hard to accept that the Catholic Church is depicted all through out the movie as the cruelest antagonist. If only a slight good character of the church might have been shown there might have been a balanced judgment. It is indeed hard to judge and know the reality of their time but one thing is certain the Church needed to renew herself.
            I think if only Luther used his theology by renewing the Church from within and if only the Church listened to him, incorrect teachings might have been changed and abuses have been stopped. There might have been no division among Christians. However, we may categorically guess like this but there was no difference at all. The revolt of Luther against the Church was not actually about doctrinal discrepancies but regarding the unacceptable political and moral life of Church hierarchy. Doctrines are inappropriately taught to ordinary people, especially those who have no accessed to education. They are easily fooled and deceived by the people in the Church. Maybe that’s why Luther translated the bible into German so that they could understand their faith not merely depending on the Church hierarchy.
            I felt sad and at the same time happy upon reflecting and analyzing the movie. I’m sad and disappointed because another division in the Church was created. The birth of Protestantism created another rift between the Catholic Church and other Churches which then is a precursor to a more divided Church that until now more divisions are rising and the distance of rifts are widening and expanding. I also felt happy because the reformation had awakened the mind of the Church to renew herself and it actually did when the Council of Trent was convoked. The renewal continued until the time of the Vatican II.
            With regards to the learning that we might get from Martin Luther, all I can say is that, to ‘change minds and open eyes’ a certain consciousness and concept can indeed create division and the experience would be like someone passing through a tiny hole of a thin needle but at the end of it something good happens. His life is similar to the life of Jesus. His warning that he will be the cause of division among families and nations was fulfilled when people started to follow him.
            I finally say,   it takes a sacrifice of one’s life to change the world. Jesus and Luther wanted change but at the risk of their life. Jesus died on the cross, while Luther gave up his vocation and Catholicism. Luther found it hard to let go but he has to. He gave up his life in the Catholic Church but he did not give up his faith to God. 

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