Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Parable of the Talents Matthew 24:14-230

This is a parable told by Jesus about a wealthy man leaving his talents to three
men. The first one receives five talents. Another receives two talents. A third steward
receives one talent. As the wealthy man left, the three men followed the instruction
carefully. The person given with 5 talent gained 5 more. The other person, who was
given with two talents, gained two more talents. But the third person only dug a hole
and buried the only talent he has. As the master returned, he was happy with all the
servants but unsatisfied with the third servant who only buried his talent on the ground.

Message: The parable speaks of responsibility or stewardship to be more
particular. In this parable human beings are reminded of their responsibilities towards
nature after it was given to them. God gave us a world to live, where we are freely given
the intellect to do what we want. However, not all of us seem to have understood the
gifts we received. Others have cultivated well and took care of nature very well. But
some had ignored it. In a more specific example, the parable also speaks of our life in
the seminary. We are like rats running all over the place since the cat is not around.
Since nobody is watching, people tend not to do their household chores and some don’t
follow the seminary schedules.

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